I have been easily aggrevated this weekend in conversational situations. Sometimes I feel as though my having learned so much this wek in class made the general situation worse. My first week here, when I was totaly aware and accepting of my status as a bumbling linguistically ignorant gringo, anything other than utter failure to communicate was a victory and an exception to the norm. But now I catch actually patch together a coherent thought or two. I grasp the grammer. I know enough to believe that I am saying something correctly and therefore able to become disolusioned under the blank stare of a baffled porteño.
It´s really not so bad after breakfast. On the streets the language has started to sing. Mornings are tough. I truly like the folks I stay with, Jorge and Racquel. But they share a number of similarities with George´s parents on Seinfeld. Racquel especially. She even looks similar. Now imagine: 8am; I´ve had neither coffee nor a bite to eat; I stumble out of my room, "Que tal John? Como andás? Dormiste bien? Bueno!" etc. I start groping for a complete sentence betwen bites of dulce, draining an entire thermos of hot water into my mate. Again, don´t take any of this to mean I don´t ejoy breakfast or the company of either of these two. It´s just that communication breakfast at desayuno--before mate for god sakes!--can wear a guy down.
Many mornings, probably as some sort of defense mechanism against the foreign barrage, I hold an inner dialogue in my native tongue. The entertainments and topics vary: what I plan to do that day; rocking to a mental recording of The Rolling Stones´"Lov´n Cup"; pondering the orange beverage that I drink every morning and seem to be acquiring a dependence for. As a kid my mom would serve my brother and I a "glass of sunshine" with breakfast in the morning. Now, if OJ is sunshine this stuff is light at the grocery store. After much field observation I believe it to be of the genus Tang, but I can´t be sure. I have gone so far as to search the cupboards while Jorge and Racquel are away, and turned up nothing. I have begun to crave it in the afternoon. Not good.
This afternoon I´ll be heading up north to the barrio Recoleta to watch soccer ar a bar called Total Fútbol. This afternoons game, Boca v. River Plata, is probaly thebiggest match in Argentine fútbol. The rivalry is deep and intense. I tried to buy a ticket but didn´t act fast enough. So I´ll be screaming and yelling at a bar instead. For any other game I would go to a small neighorhood joint. But unlike in the US where decent TV´s are the norm, most places here have one or two if any and today they will be packed with die hard regulars. I´m likely to be ejected if I try to push forward to a decent vantage point in one of these places. So I´ll go to Total Fútbol. TV´s everywhere I hear. If I can find a seat I´m good to go. I´ll be wearing blue. Go Boca!
These are a couple pictures I shot last week at the Recoleta Cemetary down the way from the bar I´ll be at today. Beautiful, historical place. Look it up. And I apologize that they aren´t right side up. I haven´t got to figuring out how to fix that yet. Stay tuned.

A call for emails: Any of you whose emails I don´t have--limit individuals I like--drop me a line so I know how to get a hold of you. The only emails I do have are from those of you who attended the party in Iowa and wrote it down. Ciao.
1 comment:
Hi John ! I emailed you Fri. and just moments ago. Did you recieve? The one I just sent came back to say your email is not functioning. Whats up? Please connect with me when you can.love you and think of you all the time. Hope things are going well (school etc.) Adios! Mama
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